

儘管實施起來較複雜,TgK Scientific設計出一套專為控制應用程式KinetaDrive,與已建立的FT-IR儀器供應商一起合作,開發出了一種具有短光徑的停流解決方案(Stopped Flow for FT-IR)。

反應槽已經可以進行 ATR 分析

範例中,放置在Bruker Vertex 80光譜儀中的 ATR反應槽可相容於 Specac Golden Gate 系列,是單反射式的ATR。這可對大多數的試劑與溶劑提供最佳兼容性與降低背景干擾。


  1. Paul A. Cox, Marc Reid, Andrew G. Leach, Andrew D. Campbell, Edward J. King, and Guy C. Lloyd-Jones. (2017) Base-catalyzed Aryl-B(OH)2 Protodeboronation Revisited: from Concerted Proton-Transfer to Liberation of a Transient Arylanion. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139 (37), pp 13156–13165.
  2. Wright, J.A., Webster,L., Jablonskyte, A., Woi, P.M., Ibrahim, S.K. and Pickett, C.J. (2011) Protonation of [FeFe]-hydrogenase sub-site analogues: revealing mechanism using FTIR stopped-flow techniques. Faraday Discuss.,148, pp. 359-371.
  3. Jablonskyte, A., Wright, J.A. and Pickett, C.J. (2010) Mechanistic aspects of the protonation of [FeFe]-hydrogenase subsite analogues. Dalton Trans.,39, pp. 3026-3034.
  4. Wright, J.A. and Pickett, C.J. (2009) Protonation of a subsite analogue of [FeFe]-hydrogenase: mechanism of a deceptively simple reaction revealed by time-resolved IR spectroscopy. Chem. Commun., pp. 5719-5721.
