Stopped-Flow for IRis-F1
The IRis-F1 spectrometer from IRsweep AG is designed for fast acquisition of IR spectra and hence, is well suited to kinetic measurements. Indeed, its temporal performance is a good match for stopped-flow and provides a combination of speed, brightness and resolution. A complete spectrum can be acquired in one microsecond and the high brightness laser source enables high signal-to-noise ratios >1000 in 100 microseconds measurement time.
IRsweep AG have much information on their website describing their unique approach to IR spectroscopy and links to applications including the use of our stopped-flow.
Selected Publications
See the webinar where the use of the SF-73/FT-IR was demonstrated with a test reaction and with the refolding of ubiquitin plus lots of additional information in this collaborative production.
New generation of stopped flow applications with dual-comb spectroscopy